The Rural Suburbs land use category is intended to maintain the rural character of the area. Development is characterized by larger lots, five acres or larger, and served by well and septic tank. Lands designated Branan Field Rural Suburbs land use are located west of Branan Field Road. The areas designated BF RS were primarily designated Agriculture and Agricultural/Residential, which allowed for manufactured dwelling units, prior to adoption of the Branan Field Master Plan. This has resulted in a mix of single family and manufactured (mobile) dwelling units in the BF RS land use area.
Single-family dwellings are permitted by right in the BF Suburbs land use. As defined in Article 1 of the Land Development Code, single family dwelling is not to be construed to include mobile homes, travel trailers, housing mounted on motor vehicles, tents, houseboats, or other forms of temporary portable housing.
There is a total of 2,320+ acres of BF RS land use within the Branan Field Master Plan area, with 1,090 acres not within existing subdivisions and which may be impacted by the proposed Code change.
The proposed LDC change would allow manufactured dwelling units, as well as, single family dwellings on parcels within the BF RS land use. To limit conflict with existing development within existing subdivision that have been developed with conventionally built single family dwellings, the proposed Code change would continue to prohibit manufactured dwelling units in recorded subdivisions within the BF RS land use.
As the price for housing has increased there has been an increase desire for the use of manufactured dwellings as a means for obtaining affordable housing. Presently, manufactured homes are allowed only in Agricultural, Agricultural/Residential, Residential Estate, and Residential Mobile Home Park zoning districts. This proposed change will provide an opportunity to expand the use of manufacture units in an area of the County with a more rural setting with larger lots and where there already exists a mix of single family and manufactured units.