After much hard work and collaboration led by the Development Services Division, spanning several county departments, Clay County has successfully improved its Community Rating System (CRS) score from Class 7 to Class 6, which will increase savings on individual flood insurance premiums from an average of 15% to 20% in all unincorporated areas of Clay County, effective October 1, 2023.
The CRS is a voluntary program under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that allows communities to earn flood insurance discounts through the attainment of points for conducting eligible floodplain management activities that surpass the minimum National Flood Insurance Program requirements. Credible activities range across four major categories including: (1) public information concerning the flood risk, (2) effective flood mapping and floodplain regulation, (3) flood damage reduction, (4) effective flood warning and response.
Clay County’s improved score is expected to increase total community flood insurance savings to an estimated $357,926 annually. That’s an average individual flood insurance policy savings from $59 to $93 per flood policy.