This is an application for a small-scale amendment to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). The proposal changes the land use designation on a single 10-acre parcel from Agriculture to Agriculture/Residential. There is a companion application to amend the Zoning Atlas for the same parcel from Agricultural to Agricultural/Residential.
The parcel was created in 1996 by splitting a 20-acre parcel into two (2) ten (10) acre parcels. The subject parcel is the resulting southern 10 acres from that split. The northern 10-acre parcel is developed with a single-family residence while the subject parcel is undeveloped. The parcel is accessed via a recorded easement from C.R. 209S.
The parcel, at 10 acres in size, does not meet the density requirement for the Agriculture future land use and the agricultural zoning district. Because the parcel was created in 1996, it does not qualify as a Lot of Record as defined in the adopted County Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the parcel is unable to obtain a permit for residential development.
The proposed land use amendment and companion zoning change are being requested to create a buildable lot for use consistent with the proposed AR land use designation and AR zoning district.