Boards and Commissions:
Board/Commission:  Planning Commission

Contact Name: Chereese Stewart
Phone: (904) 529-3819

The Planning Commission (PC) is an advisory board to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) and provides recommendations in the matters of comprehensive planning and the Land Development Code. Pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Planning Commission has been designated by the BCC as the official Local Planning Agency for the County’s comprehensive planning process. In addition to monitoring the County Comprehensive Plan and reviewing proposed amendments, the Planning Commission also reviews proposed re-zonings and amendments to the County’s Land Development Code. The Planning Commission is comprised of eight members, with seven appointed by the BCC and one representing the Clay County School Board. Meetings are held at 5:00 P.M. on the first Tuesday of each month in the BCC Chambers, located on the fourth floor of the County Administration Building. While most matters under consideration by the Planning Commission are official public hearings, all meetings are open to the public. To view the Planning Commission meetings, visit our BCC Meetings on Demand page. To view the agenda/minutes for the Planning Commission, please visit our Agendas/Minutes page.


(All appointments are subject to the requirements of financial disclosure by the Florida Ethics Code, Chapter 112, Florida Statues).

Board Seats: 

Board SeatTerm StartTerm EndTitleBoard MemberAppointed By
District 101/01/202401/01/2026District 1Bourre, Michael  
District 301/01/202401/01/2026District 3Norton, Howard ("Bo") 
District 401/01/202401/01/2026District 4Garrison, Bill 
At-Large Seat 201/09/202401/09/2026At-Large Seat 2Davis, Pete 
District 201/01/202501/01/2027District 2Anzalone, Joe 
District 501/01/202501/01/2027District 5Puckhaber, Ralph 
At-Large Seat 101/01/202501/01/2027At-Large Seat 1Bridgman, Mary